The Foundation

Mission & Vision


We envision a community where individuals achieve economic self-sufficiency without experiencing undue financial burden.


Our vision for people living with mental illnesses is that they are engaged and supported members of the community.

Meet Our Founder

Patrick P. Lee


"When I was a child, living in Paris, France, in the 1940s, my grandmother took me to mass every day. As we left church, she would give coins to those in need. Although we did not have much at that time, she always found a way to help others less fortunate.” - Patrick P. Lee


The memory of his grandmother’s kindness has guided Lee throughout his life. In 2005, he became one of Western New York’s most benevolent philanthropists when he established the Patrick P. Lee Foundation, a private foundation based in Buffalo, NY.

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The Patrick P. Lee Foundation awarded its first grant in 2008, when the United States was on the precipice of a sharp economic decline. To best respond to the rising community needs, the Foundation implemented a funding strategy that was expansive and flexible. Grants were made in the areas of education, behavioral health, community services, and medical care and research.


2016 was a pivotal year for the Foundation, as the Board embarked on an intensive review of its community investments to more fully understand the impact of its work. After thoughtful evaluation and discussion, the Board adopted a new strategic plan that concentrated investments in education and mental health, areas that had long been at the core of the Foundation’s work.


The Foundation is committed to identifying opportunities to increase its impact. In 2019, the Foundation launched the Distinguished Lee Scholar Award to recognize exceptional Lee Scholars who embody the values of integrity, leadership and service to others. That same year, the Foundation began working with national partners to advocate for key mental health policy initiatives at the state and federal levels.   


Board of Directors and Committees

Board of Directors

Patrick P. Lee, Chairman
Lee Wortham, Vice-Chairman
Arthur Michalek, PhD, Treasurer
Barbara Rhee, Secretary

Amy Case, MD 

Cynthia Lee

John Mineo, Esq.

Jon Pellish, CPA

John Rhee, MD 

Suzanne Stern, Esq.


Family Advisory Committee

Kelly McNamara
Elizabeth Rhee

Grant Committee 

Cynthia Lee, Chair

Barbara Rhee, Vice-Chair

Kristin Adduci, LMHC 

Amy Case, MD
David Hohn, MD 

Arthur Michalek, PhD

John Mineo, Esq.

Nicole Nobel, LCSW-R


Investment Committee 

Lee Wortham, Chair

Brian Laible, CPA, CFP 

Patrick P. Lee

Jon Pellish, CPA

John Rhee, MD 

Nora Sullivan

Suzanne Stern, Esq.


Mental Health Advisory Committee

Mike Flanagan, Esq.

Howard Hitzel, PsyD, MPA

Takesha Leonard, PMHNP, FNP

Glenn Liebman

Thomas Rosenthal, MD


STEM Advisory Committee

Rob Leteste

Adam Pratt

Jessica Rozycki

Michelle Sabick, PhD



Jane Mogavero, ESQ.

Executive Director jmogavero@Lee.Foundation 716-844-3100 ext 102

George Schnell, CPA

Director of Finance & Administration gschnell@Lee.Foundation 716-844-3100 ext 103

Christopher Allaire

Program Officer callaire@Lee.Foundation 716-844-3100 ext 105

Renata Quimby

Finance Manager 716-844-3100 ext 110

Judy Arcara-Baxter

Executive Assistant jarcarabaxter@Lee.Foundation